Thursday, February 15, 2007

I'm published on the web!

this is amazing. in my vanity, i have googled myself many times to see if i have a place on the internet. and it looks like i finally do. i have not realized, until today, that i AM published on the web with this blog. there are actually people out there that want to read what i have to say. can i just say how powerful and more meaningful this blog is to me now??

in my last blog, i mentioned that i would like to learn hebrew. and i got a response back from some guy IN israel, referring me to some websites where i could. it truly amazed me that people all over the world have access to my blog. can you imagine the influece this could have with our students? in my psycholinguistics class, we are learning about using language as a cultural tool (see Wertsch) and i believe that the knowledge and use of blogs can create a cultural tool for students to use and see that they DO have power with words in this world.

1 comment:

emily and danny said...

Impressive geographical span in your blog's viewers! Wow! I think I set my blog to where it can't be seen by public users (before I really knew what I'd be writing about and how public I wanted to be...) but your post has me thinking about my decision to make my blog "public". Are my words less meaningful though, if only our classmates are reading them? Or, I guess, my blog can be linked to through other classmates' public blogs. Isn't just the fact that I am recording my thoughts in a visual form meaningful text?